Drake Owen Dorson's page. Real quick and simple right now; a more fleshed out version will arrive when I have time!

Born: July 29, 2004 @ 7:46 A.M.
Sign: Leo!
Weight at birth: 7 pounds, 15 ounces (almost 8 pounds even though he was 3 1/2 weeks early!)
Length at birth: 20 inches

Drake and mommy, just after he was born!

Click here to read about the birthing of Drake, and also to see my labor pictures and his just-born pictures.

Drake news:
Nov 12, 2004: Drake is 3 1/2 months old now. He's over 15 pounds (that was what he weighed a couple weeks ago and I KNOW he's heavier now). He's in the 90th percentile for height and weight! His head is only in the 75th percentile though, so he didn't get the huge Nommensen head. ;) He smiles more than he did before, but he still is very expressively grumpy. He's not a difficult baby though; he's rarely fussy, except when he needs to eat or needs a change. He's starting to teethe, we think, because he drools a lot and chews on his hand, and he fusses when he's doing it, so we think his gums hurt. He's had some cereal and has taken to it OK; it isn't his favorite (and I'm sure it's very bland! I don't blame him!), but we'll be trying veggies soon and I bet that'll be a hit! (We're doing strong flavors before sweet.) He has recently begun to laugh, which is truly delightful...I get the biggest thrill out of laughing with him or hearing him laugh and babble at his toys. (He especially likes to laugh at the big stuffed snake that Daddy won him at Great America!)

Sept 11, 2004: Drake is growing like a weed! We don't know how big he is just now because he doesn't go back to the doctor until September 30th, but he definitely weighs more and is longer! He's close to outgrowing some of his newborn clothes. He has longer periods of alertness now, and is starting to focus in on objects. For a couple weeks now, he's given us some practice smiles (OJ and Grandma Lori both insist that he has smiled at them, but I haven't seen it and it doesn't appear to be social smiling!)...and just last Tuesday, he gave a full smile to Aunt Elaine - studied her intently for a while and then smiled right at her. So I think that was his "official" first smile. It hasn't happened again since however; he seems, so far, to be a somewhat serious and occasionally grumpy baby. (He must take after his dad!) His new favorite activity is staring out the window; he loves to just stare and study the outside world, especially if it's sunny. Also, he has been declared the "fartingest baby ever", because he is CONSTANTLY tooting, more than any of us have ever heard a baby fart!

Aug 18, 2004: Drake has a small infection on his right thumb near the nail. Doc says it's perfectly normal for babies, and aside from it bothering him a little, it's no problem at all. Should be cleared up soon. He's up to 8 pounds 13 ounces...gained almost a pound in a week, he's growing really well! He's also starting to have longer periods of alertness during the day; he has started staying up for about three hour stretches in the afternoon. Quite a feat for someone who used to sleep ALL the time! :)

Aug 14, 2004: Drake is out of the bililight tables and his jaundice is all cleared up. He now spends his time being a normal baby...you know, eating, pooping, sleeping. He's getting a little more alert and is really working on mastering control of those neck muscles! We still have a ways to go on that though. :) He is taking more notice of his surroundings and does seem to get bored when he's awake and in one room for too long; variety is a good thing. He slept through his entire first trip to the zoo though. :)

Click here to access Drake's picture gallery, where all his older pictures are posted.

Here are Drake's five most recent pics!

Drake hanging out in his monkey chair, having a great time; October 29, 2004

Drake shows off his Buddha pose; October 29, 2004.

Drake shows off his favorite facial expression! October 29, 2004

Drake chills in his monkey chair; October 29, 2004

Drake does his Eeyore impression. 'Oh, woe is me...' October 29, 2004

Site Maintained by Spooki "Mama" Dorson
last updated: 11-12-04